Qindan Zhu

I synthesize field observations, remote sensing, model simulations, and machine learning to study urban air quality and chemistry-climate interaction.


I am currently the MIT Houghton Postdoctoral Fellow and was previously the NOAA Climate & Global Change (C&GC) Postdoctoral Fellow, working with Prof. Arlene Fiore at MIT since August 2022. My research centers on chemistry-climate interaction. I study hydroxyl radical (OH) since OH lies at the nexus of climate and air quality as the primary oxidant for both reactive greenhouse gases and many hazardous air pollutants.

In the meanwhile, I collaborate with NOAA CSL on developing a new chemical mechanism, RACM2B-VCP, for the regional chemistry transport model WRF-Chem. RACM2B-VCP is optimized to better represent VOC chemistry and address the impact of VCP and cooking emissions in urban areas such as Los Angeles (LA). I investigate the effectiveness of the most recent policy, zero-emission vehicle regulation, on reducing O3 pollution in the LA Basin.

Previously, I earned a BS in Environmental Science and a double major BS in Mathematics from Peking University in 2017. I received a Ph.D. in Earth and Planetary Science with Prof. Ron Cohen from UC Berkeley in 2022. While at Berkely, I participated in the development of a new satellite retrieval product, the Berkeley High Resolution (BEHR) NO2 product v3.0B. Most of my Ph.D. has focused on utilizing satellite observations to better understand tropospheric chemistry, such as lightning NOx, and urban OH trends. I have also worked on a project that conducted airborne flux measurements to evaluate anthropogenic NOx emissions and estimate soil NOx emissions over San Joaquin Valley.



